"An apple is an excellent thing -- until you have tried a peach."
George du Maurier (1834-1896)
The American Heritage Dictionary Defines Peach: A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing.
I kinda like that :)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Blessed and Highly Favored and a Dress Size Smaller!
Today I finished the last chapter of Blessed and Highly Favored and started on yet another great book. Blessed and Highly Favored (or flavored I keep stating :P) has been another hugely impacting book in my spirtual walk. Michelle has written a gem in this book. It makes you think, ponder and have to reread chapters over and over again. I kept saying (as I have in many of her books) YES THATS ME!One of the last chapters states this :"We tend to be suspicious of God because we see Him through the haze of what our own hearts are capable of. We change our minds. We feel stingy or generous on any given day depending on how others treat us. We are reserved with others based on past hurts and disappointments. But His ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. God keeps short accounts. He does not superimpose the past over the future. He is able to let bygones be bygones. So no matter what you have done, He is ready to start anew. He's ready to start blessing you all over again. Don't you just love that about Him?"
This book has blessed me in so many ways. Its recharged me in how I look at the world and how I look at God and makes me want to prepare myself TO BE Blessed! I highly recommend it to any woman struggling with her self worth, and who just needs to be reminded how much we can be and are blessed.Additionally I can stratch yet another off my list. I officially fit into a size smaller pair of pants.....scary thought having to buy a completely new wardrobe yet again.
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