Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Pile of Games +A batch of junk food =Fun filled Fun!

Take a pile of :

Toss in a bunch of:

What you get is number 31 crossed off the list. In a age where playing board games as a family is far and few between. This was something I am so glad we did. Maybe fueled by a little guilt...Ive been so busy this weekend, out late on Friday and out Saturday night plus gone a part of the day at class on Saturday, one way to relieve the guilt....submerge myself into being a mom. Tonight we had fun. At first you could tell by their faces who was thinking this was going to be fun and who was wishing badly that we could tie a computer or the PS2 into this evening somehow. But as the night progressed you can see their faces got much happier....of course my arm hurts now at the moment from my eldest daughter seeing I was posting up their pictures :) ah well

They had picked
out 8 games but with 3 hours or so we played we only had enough time for 3. Life is a long game and the kids are now at the age that they are like little people...not just little kids. They all have opinions thoughts and ideas....lots of energy too :P


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