Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Updates and Progress

It's been some time since I have thought about where I was on my list of things to do. I think its become more front and center of my thoughts with the beginning of the year here again. I haven't been one in the past to have New Years Resolutions, but I started this list the beginning of last year and it did feel good to know I had hit many of the items on my list. So where am I now?

This past week I did get to cross a couple more off the list.

Number 65...Build a snowman. I was up in the snow last week and after we walked out of Chili's for dinner it was PERFECT! The snow was so light and fluffy and just the right kind of sticky so after a nice snowball fight....we went home and I got to build my little snowman. Granted my list doesn't state what kind of snowman or how big, so with my small statured snowman....I feel that this was really in the spirit of what I was looking for....just plain old fun in the snow!

Number 41 Can now be crossed off the list too. I picked up a converter for my computer and software to work on video editing. I don't feel completely 'capable' of this yet, but being that I own all the materials and have a drive to really figure this out, while I am updating I figured this was good enough to cross off for now too.

Number 98...Wild Animal Park/Zoo attendance can now be crossed off too!

After opening Christmas presents on Christmas day, my mom brought out paper for us all to write out our thank you notes to family members who were not there. That adds 2 more onto my list of thank yous.

With this progress in mind I have also after relooking over the list and changes in my life that have been taking place I am thinking of modifying a couple of items. For now I am changing just one. -- I no longer care to have a bid made on the house on having it extended. I am changing this to actually listing the house and getting it sold.


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